
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


 Hi again, this is my latest blog and it's about everything I've learned this semester in English. The truth is that this semester in English has been something different for me, I have learned things but I also need to keep improving others. I froze last year for COVID-19 and this year I went back to resume my studies. The experience of learning English at the university is good, better than at school because at school I learned very little English, but lately I have learned more, the blogs are very useful to exercise writing in English in a fun and dynamic way.  But I feel that I must continue to improve a lot in English, since it is still a language that costs me a lot, because of my lack of perseverance and responsibility, I still can't write well nor speak or understand well what they tell me in English, however, in my summer vacation I want to take an English course to learn in a better way and complement what I have learned this year. Currently, I do not use English


 Hello again friends! Today I am going to talk about the changes I would like to make to my current career in Social Work. Social Work at the University of Chile is a new career, where the first graduates just came out last year, which is why being new you can not know well what things should really change in these, but from my personal experience I would like to give my opinion on some things that I would change this. First, I would change the cores, because Social Work at the University of Chile, focuses more on research and direct territorial work as practices is changed by the cores, which focus mainly on theory and research, but should be complemented with practices where you can go to do more direct work in real situations. Another thing I would change is with respect to the Juan Gómez Millas campus, since it has been modernized and the green areas have been left aside, now the campus looks like a giant cement parking lot. Finally, another thing I would change about my career, is


  Hello everyone , I am going to tell you about my plans and ideas for my next summer vacation, which I have been planning for a long time, because of the pandemic I canceled my trip, so in the summer of 2022 I intend to travel through the south of Chile, for its national reserves and all the nature that is inside and also because I do not know many places, For the same reason my goal is to travel the southern highway, to know towns, cities until I reach the Paine towers, where I intend to know its natural reserves, animals and everything I do not know about the place together with my girlfriend, where I would also like to know other locations in the south or also return to places I knew as the island of Chiloé and other places; Backpacking is the best way to get to know many places since it is cheap and you only need a good tent and a good sleeping bag.  Finally the activities that I would like to do besides traveling is to practice boxing because I am interested in self-defense, as w

The Cycling

 Hello everyone , today I will tell you a little more about me and about a sport that I like to do and I am referring to cycling. Almost a year ago I fell in love with cycling, I learned to ride a bike when I was little, but recently I bought a fixie bike, I started to move around the city on that bike but I realized that if I wanted to go to farther places and with a lot of height, my knees suffered because of that, then I bought a road bike .  Riding a road bike was new to me, as I was not used to riding a bike with gears, and getting used to it was a bit weird, but it was the best thing I could have done. Now I have been able to visit many new places, such as Farellones, Pie andino and many other places that I couldn't go before because the altitude was against me. Cycling is a beautiful sport, it helps you to do sport, to develop endurance and to be able to surpass yourself, from cycling I have learned that with a lot of perseverance, responsibility and desire, you can overcome


Hi everyone , in today's blog I would like to tell you about the things I wou ld like to study when I leave university. As I have told you in previous blogs, in the future I would like to work making vegan food or selling vegan things, along with the work I want to do as a Social Worker. This is why I would like to study about vegan gastronomy after graduating from Social Work. Specializing in salty and sweet foods, I would like to study it outside of Chile, mainly in Europe because there currently have more socially internalized the consumption of vegan food, thus also being able to learn typical dishes from other countries but vegan. I would like to be able to study in person, because this way I could take advantage of getting to know Europe, and live there for a few years. I would like to specialize in vegan cuisine because I think that one way to raise awareness and remove the prejudices of veganism is through food, and also because this way I can also generate income and eat b


  Hello everyone , today I am going to tell you about the kind of job I would like to have in the future. Which is related to social work, where I imagine myself helping people and linking myself to the situations in which they are affected every day, such as cases of people deprived of liberty, Sename where children suffer from family problems or violence in their homes. And in relation to the work I would like to do, it would be ideal outdoors, although with the cases I want to take would be more linked to the interior, because they are difficult cases to face and where you must work together with other entities in the legal field. On the one hand, I would like to travel and get to know even more existing realities in order to have a more open knowledge in my work and where the salary is not so important, since I am interested in delivering real help to people in the different realities that exist, for an improvement in their lives, although I am interested that the salary I can earn

My second Carrer

  Hi everyone again! Choosing a university career is a difficult decision, so you should not rush into studying. Today I am going to tell you my story about my choice of a university career. I took the PSU in 2018, after leaving high school, and at that time I wanted to study architecture and the score of the test helped me to be able to enter that career.  At the end of the first semester of architecture, I realized that it was not my thing, but I should have studied a humanistic career since I was always interested in it and I was doing well in high school. And at the end of the year I talked to my mom and decided to stop studying architecture and study Social Work. The truth is a big change, but Social Work is a career that I really like and is more in line with what I want to be in the future.  When I entered Social Work, everything was much easier for me, because I already had university experience and the schedules were much more relaxed than in architecture. This is why I recomm

My favorite movie

 Hello again, today I will write about my favorite movie and I am talking about The Planet Savage. This movie makes a comparison about the domestication of animals and how this practically leads to a life of subjugation for them because they are taken out of their natural environment. The movie is represented by blue beings similar to humans, only that humans now become their pets. In the movie the humans take over against these beings, because they get tired of being seen as objects of amusement and not as living beings, leading to organizations of humans against the blue beings. The film delivers a new point of view about the domestication and humanization of animals, where in today's society they are seen as inferior beings and at other times as objects. I invite you to see The Planet Savage, as it is a film that helps us to question ourselves about the treatment we give as humans to other animals, and to question the practices we have with them as a society to see them as infer