Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you about the kind of job I would like to have in the future.

Which is related to social work, where I imagine myself helping people and linking myself to the situations in which they are affected every day, such as cases of people deprived of liberty, Sename where children suffer from family problems or violence in their homes. And in relation to the work I would like to do, it would be ideal outdoors, although with the cases I want to take would be more linked to the interior, because they are difficult cases to face and where you must work together with other entities in the legal field. On the one hand, I would like to travel and get to know even more existing realities in order to have a more open knowledge in my work and where the salary is not so important, since I am interested in delivering real help to people in the different realities that exist, for an improvement in their lives, although I am interested that the salary I can earn is enough to subsist.

 Finally, I am studying social work at the University of Chile, in order to complete my goals and future projects as previously stated.


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