My second Carrer

 Hi everyone again!

Choosing a university career is a difficult decision, so you should not rush into studying.

Today I am going to tell you my story about my choice of a university career. I took the PSU in 2018, after leaving high school, and at that time I wanted to study architecture and the score of the test helped me to be able to enter that career. 

At the end of the first semester of architecture, I realized that it was not my thing, but I should have studied a humanistic career since I was always interested in it and I was doing well in high school.

And at the end of the year I talked to my mom and decided to stop studying architecture and study Social Work.

The truth is a big change, but Social Work is a career that I really like and is more in line with what I want to be in the future. 

When I entered Social Work, everything was much easier for me, because I already had university experience and the schedules were much more relaxed than in architecture.

This is why I recommend thinking carefully about the decision to enter the university, because sometimes it is better to take a year and wait, than to study and go into debt for a year with a career that you do not like.


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