My favorite movie

 Hello again, today I will write about my favorite movie and I am talking about The Planet Savage.

This movie makes a comparison about the domestication of animals and how this practically leads to a life of subjugation for them because they are taken out of their natural environment.

The movie is represented by blue beings similar to humans, only that humans now become their pets.

In the movie the humans take over against these beings, because they get tired of being seen as objects of amusement and not as living beings, leading to organizations of humans against the blue beings.

The film delivers a new point of view about the domestication and humanization of animals, where in today's society they are seen as inferior beings and at other times as objects.

I invite you to see The Planet Savage, as it is a film that helps us to question ourselves about the treatment we give as humans to other animals, and to question the practices we have with them as a society to see them as inferior and as objects for our benefit or consumption.


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